What Are the Symptoms of a Bad Fuse?
Whether operating a passenger vehicle, agricultural machinery, or other equipment, you may not think twice about turning the key in the ignition to start the engine. But the truth is that there’s a lot happening when you make this simple gesture. One component that plays a crucial role in successfully starting the engine is the starter relay fuse. Unfortunately, starter fuse problems are some of the most common to experience. If you’re asking yourself, “Is my fuse going bad?” allow us at Gateway Cable Company to help you understand two of the most common starter fuse symptoms.
Two Common Starter Fuse Symptoms
Do you have starter fuse problems that must be dealt with? If you’re experiencing one or both of the following, the answer to “Is my fuse going bad?” may be yes.
The Vehicle or Machine Won’t Start
From commuters to operators of machinery, everyone has at some point had the experience of turning the key in the ignition, only to be met with a total failure to start. There’s more than one potential underlying cause, but one of the most common is starter fuse problems.
The starter motor requires energy to make the engine turn over. However, the energy must pass through the starter relay before it reaches the starter motor. If there’s a problem with the starter relay fuse, then the starter motor will never receive the energy it needs, and thus, you won’t be able to start the vehicle. You can try turning the key over and over again, but if it never makes the engine turn over, you’ll know you have a faulty starter fuse. Typically, a telltale clicking noise accompanies this problem.
The Starter Motor Doesn’t Disengage
The explanation of this next starter fuse symptom is essentially the opposite of what we discussed above. In the same way that a starter relay can fail to send energy to the starter motor, it can also fail to “turn off” the energy or close the electrical circuit. The resulting issue is a starter motor that continues running after the engine starts, which can cause serious damage.
A faulty starter relay is often to blame for a starter motor that continues running after the engine starts, but it could also be an issue with the ignition lock cylinder. To test this, try rotating the lock cylinder. If doing so causes the starter motor to stop, then you’ll know the culprit is the lock cylinder! This is easier to treat and you should be able to remedy the problem by lubricating the lock cylinder. However, if rotating the lock cylinder doesn’t make the starter motor turn off, then you likely have a faulty starter fuse to deal with.
Work With Gateway Cable Company
Are you experiencing starter fuse problems? Gateway Cable Company can help you get the right type of replacement fuse or answer any additional questions you may have about this topic. Please don’t hesitate to contact us or reach out for a consultation.